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What is the role of Indexing in SEO?

Working Of Indexing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the innovative marketing strategy utilized by the websites to improve the ranking. The SEO depends on many factors and one among them is the Indexing. Indexing of the web pages is a significant activity that facilitates the ranking of the website in the search engine. The bots are also known as crawlers index the website in which the search engines collect the web pages in a database. The search engine responds to the various queries posted by the users by accessing the database. The users tend to search using a keyword, so the search engine displays the results corresponding to the keyword by retrieving it from the database.
The crawlers assist the search engine to perform the indexing operation by visiting the website and collect information. The bots crawl on the website or sitemaps provided by the website owners. It also uses the links provided on the page to find other pages and the issues associated with it is checked by Google search console tool or Google webmaster tool. The Google webmaster tool will help you find the number of pages indexed (among the total submitted pages). So, it illustrates the pages indexed in the Google SERP to give a clear picture. The search engines usually use metadata or keywords for searching the indexed pages.
Importance Of Indexing
The document or webpage detected by the bots (crawlers) get cached on the search engine database. The accessible data is retrieved when the user types a query on the search engine. The indexing has two important purposes;
  • It aids in returning the relevant result related to the query entered by the user in the search engine.
  • It assists in ranking the results in the order of relevance and importance (The complex search engine algorithm decides the order of the ranking).
The indexes contain all the information about the websites, which will help the search engine (Google, Bing, etc.) to retrieve information for the user. A website not indexed is not accessible to the users as the search engine has difficulty finding it.
If you have a business website, then you need to index it for faster retrieval as customers like to get a quick response to their queries. A good SEO practice will index your website to enhance the swift results retrieval, which will make your website attract attention.


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