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Google Search Console and its Parts

A website requires constant monitoring and analysis to sustain its ranking in the Google search results. It is an ever-evolving process to maintain the popularity of the business and maintains its customer base in the tough competitive market. Google offers assistance to web owners to monitor and maintain the site’s relevance in the search engine results with the Google Search Console. It is the free service that will help in determining how Google views a site and take steps to optimize its visibility in the search results. It is helpful for the business owners, site administrators, SEO specialists, app developers, and web developers to track and control the information to optimize an app or web page. The five different parts that allow people or webmasters to perform various tasks are;
  • Security Issues
The security issue parts in the Google Search Console will let users know about the suspected phishing or hacking issues on the website. It also provides troubleshooting resources to overcome the hacking attacks.
  • Manual Action
The Manual Action in the Google Search console will communicate to the webmasters regarding the manual penalty. If it has no news, then everything is ok. Else, webmasters need to find more information about it as soon as possible.
  • Index Status
The Index Status shows the users the number of pages in the website that is indexed or recognized by the Google search engine. It is also highly useful in determining the latest trends. If the users see a change (sudden drop) in the pages indexed by the search engine, then it indicates some problem that needs addressing quickly.
  • Sitemap
The sitemap in the Google Search Console provides the detailed information regarding a site. It conveys the message about the organization of a website to the Google. It helps the webmasters view the sitemaps submitted for the website, its processing date, and the relevant issues associated with it. The sitemap has a red bar (the number of pages indexed by the Google) and blue bar (the number of pages submitted for the website). The huge disparity suggests the presence of problems that needs addressing quickly.
  • Crawl Errors
The Google bot crawls a website for indexing. If the crawl is unsuccessful, then the error message indicates the issue. The type of error is identified by hovering over the question mark on the crawl errors to get more details. The crawl errors provide the valuable information to determine the issue and rectify it effectively. Although the crawl errors are a part of the web ecosystem, the huge number of errors are a cause for concern.
The Google Search Console is an effective communication medium to determine the errors that can diminish the web presence of a site.

source:-  Google Search Console and its Parts


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